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Urban Futures

The Covid-19 pandemic will have a lasting legacy on our high streets and town centres. It has largely accelerated trends that were already emerging.

The Future of Neighborhoods: Five Projects That Show How We'll Live

When a new housing development called ReGen Village opens as early as next year on the outskirts of Amsterdam, residents won’t have to rely on external sources to provide most of their energy, waste management, or even food. The village is designed to operate as a closed-loop system, meaning it meets most of its needs from within...

Partnership brings theme park thinking to socially distancing retail queues

Two companies have teamed up to help retailers reimagine the customer queue experience as retailers limit store capacity to ensure social distancing...

Building a Neighborhood

How do you build a neighborhood? That’s a brick-and-mortar question, but it’s also a sociological one. It’s a question of city ordinances, of developers’ dreams, and of everyday individuals’ desire to get along with the folks next door...

COVID-19 has changed how people exercise, but that doesn’t mean gyms are going away

national kettlebell shortage and social media calls to #plankthecurve may have highlighted the importance of at-home fitness during COVID-19 social distancing, but as gyms open up, people are returning in droves to sweat with their peers....

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